Advocacy is an important part of the mission of the Alaska Trucking Association. Advocacy involves working with our Congressional delegation, the Alaska State Legislature, the local municipal assemblies or city or borough councils. Advocacy also works with the Administrative branch of government in the many agencies whose regulatory reach impacts trucking and business operations. Advocacy also tells our story to the general public through participation with other Associations and groups. We tell our story in the media, through training for our young people through such programs as “Teen and Trucks”.
ATA conducts an Annual Legislative Fly-in to visit with state agencies, legislators and the Governor’s office only in the legislative session. We take a small group, 8-10 board members, to meet with as many legislators as we can in our short two day trip. ATA staff watches legislative issues throughout the sessions and provides input in both written and oral testimony.
There are opportunities for our members to participate on the Legislative and Regulations Committee to help develop policy positions for approval of the Board of Directors. Advocacy activities follow our mission statement “to foster and promote the interests of the trucking industry in Alaska”.